Knowledge SUCCESS loves feedback from our readers. We want to hear how our resources benefit your work, how we can improve, and your ideas for the site. Recently, you’ve mentioned wanting more insights specific to your countries and the context you work in. Say no more! We’ll be featuring organizations working at the national level in a series called “FP/RH Champion Spotlight.” Our goal is to spark new partnerships and give well-deserved credit to those advancing family planning and reproductive health with a regional focus.
This week, our featured organization is the Association of Youth Organizations Nepal (AYON).
Association of Youth Organizations Nepal (AYON)
Association of Youth Organizations Nepal (AYON) is a not-for-profit, autonomous, and youth-led, youth-run network of youth organizations established in 2005. It acts as an umbrella organization for youth organizations throughout the country. It provides a common platform for collaboration, cooperation, joint actions, and collective endeavor among youth organizations in Nepal. AYON is engaged in policy advocacy to create moral pressure on the government for designing youth-friendly policies and programs.
AYON has been working with youth-led civil society organizations and other youth groups to advocate with provincial and federal governments on comprehensive sexuality education, equitable access to family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) services. Starting in 2022, AYON plans to support adolescent reproductive health and FP services in selected local governments to build the capacity of health systems to prepare and recover from shocks and increase resilience in women.
Check back soon for a new FP/RH Champion Spotlight organization!