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Archive: IUD Toolkit


IUD Toolkit

You have reached this page either from the main Toolkits Archive page or because you followed a link to a page or resource that used to be in a K4Health Toolkit. The Toolkits platform has been retired.

Nota: Para preguntas más frecuentes acerca de los dispositivos intrauterinos (DIU), visite una de estas páginas en Planificación familiar: un manual mundial para los proveedores: Preguntas y respuestas acerca del dispositivo intrauterino de cobre o Preguntas y respuestas acerca del DIU-LNG (DIU hormonal)

This Toolkit collected information about both copper intra-uterine devices (IUDs) and hormonal IUDs, sometimes called levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine systems (LNG-IUS). It sought to provide comprehensive, standardized, scientifically accurate, and evidence-based information on the IUD. It also provided guidance on best practices as well as tools to help improve access to and quality of IUD services. It was originally developed by members of the IUD Subcommittee of USAID’s Maximizing Access and Quality Initiative.

Toolkit Alternatives

If you urgently require a specific resource from a retired Toolkit, contact toolkits-archive@knowledgesuccess.org.