Ce dialogue politique virtuel a discutait les obstacles à l’utilisation durable de la contraception chez les jeunes et à créer des opportunités de collaboration entre les organisations dirigées par des jeunes, les journalistes et les jeunes chercheurs.
PACE convened a two-hour virtual policy dialogue on youth contraceptive discontinuation in West Africa on May 26, 2021. The event aimed to increase regional policymakers’ commitment to addressing the barriers to sustained contraceptive use among youth and forge collaboration opportunities for youth-led organizations, journalists, and young researchers.
Addressing obstacles to contraceptive continuation: The PACE project’s policy brief, Best Practices for Sustaining Youth Contraceptive Use, explores the unique patterns and drivers of contraceptive discontinuation among youth based on a new analysis of Demographic and Health Survey and Service Provision Assessment data. Key findings and recommendations include policy and program strategies to address obstacles to contraceptive continuation among young women who wish to prevent, delay, or space pregnancies.