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Heidi Worley

Heidi Worley

Program Director, Population Reference Bureau

Heidi Worley is a program director in International Programs at the Population Reference Bureau. She serves as the Knowledge Management and Research Application Team Lead for Breakthrough RESEARCH, USAID’s flagship social and behavior change (SBC) project to drive the generation, packaging, and use of innovative SBC research to inform programming, led by the Population Council. As a public health specialist, Worley has more than 30 years of experience in international development, strategic and policy communication, health policy analysis, issues advocacy, and health programming. She has served in senior communication roles for domestic and global nonprofits and private small businesses, delivering impactful results bringing evidence to action. Previous positions at PRB include editorial director, Communications and Marketing, deputy director for the Policy Advocacy and Communications Enhanced (PACE) Project, and senior communications and engagement lead for the Passages Project, led by the Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University. Before PRB, Worley held positions at Maternity Care Coalition-Philadelphia; the International Center for Research on Women; Refugee Policy Group; and Youth For Understanding. Worley holds a master’s degree in international relations and international communication from American University and completed graduate work (all but dissertation) toward her doctorate in public health at Temple University.

Two women sitting at a table and writing on sticky notes. Credit: Breakthrough Action & Research.