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Ida Ndione

Ida Ndione

Senior Program Officer, PATH

Ida Ndione is a Senior Program Officer for PATH in Senegal where she leads work on self-care for sexual and reproductive health, as well as non-communicable diseases. She works with health private sector and provides technical support for the Ministry of Health in convening the Self-Care Pioneers Group and developing national self-care guidelines. Prior to this role, Ida served as PATH’s Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator for the introduction of subcutaneous DMPA and provided support on research and institutional communications. She is member of the Prospective Country Evaluation team in Senegal, conducting mixt method evaluation for Global Fund programs on Malaria, Tuberculosis and HIV. She represents PATH Senegal in Several National and international Committee. Ida has fifteen years of experience working at the intersection of public health, sociology, and health policy and financing. She holds master’s degrees in public health and anthropology

Mother in Sylla Diongto, Senegal holding her infant in a purple cloth.
Mother in Sylla Diongto, Senegal holding her infant in a purple cloth.
Midwifes undergoing training to ensure safe delivery and comprehensive reproductive health services
Midwifes undergoing training to ensure safe delivery and comprehensive reproductive health services
A group of African men and women sitting down. Photo credit: Neil Freeman for Alliance