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Jared Sheppard

Jared Sheppard

MSPH Candidate, Johns Hopkins University

Jared Sheppard is a current MSPH Candidate in International Health and Certificate Candidate in Risk Sciences and Public Policy at Johns Hopkins University. He hails from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Boynton Beach, Florida but is currently based in New York City. His experiences reside in governmental policy as he has held positions at the United States House of Representatives, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Outside of his professional career, Jared is bilingual, a triplet, and a proud parent to his cat, Wiki.

A Ugandan man and woman holding beans. Population Health Environment PHE/PED
A healthcare worker with RCRA Uganda administering a vaccine to an infant. Photo credit: Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy (RCRA)
Graphic depicting two people working on their laptops researching PHE/PED information