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Jerome Mackay

Jerome Mackay

Technical Advisor, Monitoring & Evaluation, Amref Health Africa, Tanzania

Mr. Jerome Steven Mackay is a trained social scientist with over ten years of technical expertise in international development, specializing in Results-based Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (RbMERL) in health and development areas including HIV/AIDS/Tuberculosis, sexual and reproductive health, women’s empowerment, financial inclusion, and education management. Mr. Mackay holds a Masters of Science in Project Planning and Management (MSc.PPM) from Mzumbe University and a Post Graduate Diploma in Trade Policy and Trade Law (ESAMI). He has a number of local and international certifications in project management, MERL, and information and communication technologies (ICT). He has managed large financial portfolios in line with policies and regulations for donors and organizations including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID, Australia Aid (AUSAID), Financial Sector Deepening Trust Tanzania (FSDT), Centers for Disease Control, Deloitte Consulting (TZ), and John Snow, Inc. (JSI). Mr. Mackay has vast experience in planning and implementing new and innovative projects and programs, including participatory approaches for planning, implementation, monitoring, quality assurance, and evaluation; strategy development; design and implementation of various studies including baselines, needs assessment and program/project reviews; training trainers; and workshop facilitation. He has also acquired skills and experience in project coordination and management; e-communication, networking, and facilitating meetings with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures; and organizing multi-stakeholder meetings and workshops. He also has expertise in data management using various softwares and online platforms including ODK®, DATIM®, DHIS2®, IPRS, Epi info, and SPSS for Windows®.

A landscape image of a village near the dry salt lake Eyasi in northern Tanzania. Image credit: Pixabay user jambogyuri