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Kiya Myers, MPS

Kiya Myers, MPS

Managing Editor, Knowledge SUCCESS

Kiya Myers is the Managing Editor of Knowledge SUCCESS’ website. She was previously the Managing Editor of CHEST journals at American College of Chest Physicians where she worked to transition the manuscript submission platforms and launched two new online-only journals. She was the Assistant Managing Editor at the American Society of Anesthesiologists, responsible for copyediting the column “Science, Medicine, and Anesthesiology” published monthly in Anesthesiology and ensuring adherence to peer review policies by reviewers, associate editors, and editorial staff. She facilitated the successful launch of Blood Podcast in 2020. Serving as the Podcast Subcommittee Chair of the Professional Development Committee for the Council of Science Editors, she managed the successful launch of CSE S.P.E.A.K. Podcast in 2021.

Adolescent girls sit at wooden desks with menstrual pad materials.
Two women, one holding a mobile phone, beside a small mountain in India.
Road map illustration to reach FP/RH initiatives
Illustration of a brain with images of science books, microscope, syringe, data charts above as resources that feed the mind.
Youth Alliance for Reproductive Health (YARH-DRC) completing a training demonstration
Mother in Sylla Diongto, Senegal holding her infant in a purple cloth.
Mother in Sylla Diongto, Senegal holding her infant in a purple cloth.
African mother holding baby while examining contraceptive options.
several individuals fish farming in low tide water up to their ankles.
A young wife and a community health worker during a healthcare counseling session.