How might we encourage the FP/RH workforce to share knowledge with each other? Particularly when it comes to sharing failures, people are hesitant. This post summarizes Knowledge SUCCESS’s recent assessment to capture and measure information-sharing behavior and intention among a sample of FP/RH and other global health professionals based in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.
The EAST framework, developed by the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), is a notable and well-used behavioral science framework that FP/RH programs can use to overcome common biases in knowledge management for FP/RH professionals. EAST stands for “easy, attractive, social, and timely”—four principles that Knowledge SUCCESS as it designs and implements knowledge management activities to get the latest evidence and best practices into FP/RH programs around the world.
Maryam Yusuf, an Associate with Busara Center for Behavioral Economics, shares research on cognitive overload and choice overload, offers insights from co-creation workshops, and suggests considerations for sharing information without overwhelming audiences.