অনুসন্ধান করতে টাইপ করুন


জিএইচএসপি জার্নাল

West Africa Village Women | USAID and the Global Shea Alliance partner to connect West Africa village women to the global marketplace | Photo: Douglas Gritzmacher/USAID
Adult literacy students | USAID has supported educational programs to assist in educating adult men and women | Credit: J. Neves/USAID
Background graphic for the GHTechX conference with global health-related icons such as a globe, a scatter plot, a coronavirus, a group of people, and a magnifying glass
Photo by CDC at Unsplash.
মাইক A community health worker during a home visit in Mbale, Uganda providing family planning services and options to women in the community.
সময়রেখা A woman in Senegal who participated in a community empowerment program with her children near her home. 2014, Jonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment