অনুসন্ধান করতে টাইপ করুন



Group of diverse individuals joined together in unity
Ugandan people in a farm field. Photo Credit: James Peter Olemo
A healthcare worker with RCRA Uganda administering a vaccine to an infant. Photo credit: Rwenzori Center for Research and Advocacy (RCRA)
Several Kiziru Women’s Group members pose in their fishing boat while holding up fish in their hands for International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture 2022. Kiziru Women’s Group | Credit: KWDT
Wii Tuke Gender Initiative interacts with girls on Menstrual Health-Wii Tuke Gender Initiative Pictues
An African woman and three thought bubbles. There's an IUD in one, a health clinic in another, and a conversation in the third
Women from the Young Mothers Group meeting and getting family planning information from a community health worker. The program is supported by Reproductive Health Uganda, with the goal to empower the women in the group, and provide them with family planning information.