Blue Ventures started integrating health interventions, addressing a huge unmet need for family planning. We came to understand that we were addressing a health need which is part of a broader ecosystem consisting of conservation, health, livelihood, and other challenges.
A peer assist is a knowledge management (KM) approach that focuses on “learning before doing.” When a team is experiencing a challenge or is new to a process, it seeks advice from another group with relevant experience. The Knowledge SUCCESS project recently used this approach to facilitate sharing of experiential knowledge between Nepal and Indonesia. Amid declining population growth in Nepal, the project used a peer assist to advocate for continuation of leadership, commitment, and funding allocation for family planning (FP).
The South-East Asia Youth Health Action Network, or SYAN, is a WHO-SEARO-supported network that creates and strengthens the capacity of adolescent and youth groups in southeast Asian countries for effective advocacy and engagement in national adolescent health programs as well as regional and global policy dialogue platforms.
Universal health coverage (UHC) characterizes an ideal where all people have access to the health services they need, when and where they need them, without financial hardship. In the same way that the long-term consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic will place a heavy burden on health systems, so too will the lack of reproductive health care.
What constitutes a “perfect” family planning program? And what would it take to make a perfect program a reality? The answer, Tamar Abrams writes, is complicated.