In nearly eight years at the helm of the Systematic Approaches to Scale-Up Community of Practice (COP), the Evidence to Action (E2A) Project grew the community from several committed partners in 2012 to nearly 1,200 members worldwide today. With sustained engagement from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), core technical partners and founding members, ExpandNet, and the IBP Network, the COP advanced the field of scale-up.
On March 16, the NextGen RH CoP, Knowledge SUCCESS, E2A, FP2030, and IBP hosted a webinar, “Adolescent Family Planning and Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Health Systems Perspective,” that explored the updated High Impact Practice (HIP) brief on Adolescent Responsive Services.
Evidence to Action (E2A) has been reaching young first-time parents Burkina Faso, Tanzania, and Nigeria in recent years for strengthening family planning and reproductive health service delivery for girls, women, and underserved communities.
Queen Esther is proud to lead this small peer group, part of a core package of activities for young first-time parents (FTPs) developed by the Evidence to Action (E2A) Project. E2A’s comprehensive first-time parent program model, implemented with dedicated country partners and funding from USAID, is effectively improving health and gender outcomes for this critical population in multiple countries.
On September 17, the Method Choice Community of Practice, led by the Evidence to Action (E2A) Project, hosted a webinar on the intersection of two important voluntary family planning areas—method choice and self-care. Missed this webinar? Read on for a recap, and follow the links below to watch the recording.
Nigeria has made significant progress in addressing sexual and gender-based violence. COVID-19 will set us back—unless we take action.