The Inside the FP Story podcast explores the details of family planning programming. Season 2 is brought to you by Knowledge SUCCESS and the World Health Organization (WHO)/IBP Network. It will explore implementation experiences from 15 countries and programs around the world. Over six episodes, you will hear from the authors of a series of implementation stories as they offer practical examples and specific guidance for others on implementing high-impact practices in family planning and using the latest tools and guidance from WHO.
WHO/IBP Network and Knowledge SUCCESS recently published a series of 15 stories about organizations implementing High Impact Practices (HIPs) and WHO Guidelines and Tools in family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) programming. This quick read shares considerations, tips, and tools that we learned while creating the series. Documenting implementation stories—to share country experiences, lessons learned, and recommendations—strengthens our collective knowledge about implementing evidence-based interventions.
In early 2020, the WHO/IBP Network and Knowledge SUCCESS Project launched an effort to support organizations in sharing their experiences using High Impact Practices (HIPs) and WHO Guidelines and Tools in Family Planning and Reproductive Health Programming. These 15 implementation stories are the result of that effort.
On March 16, the NextGen RH CoP, Knowledge SUCCESS, E2A, FP2030, and IBP hosted a webinar, “Adolescent Family Planning and Sexual and Reproductive Health: A Health Systems Perspective,” that explored the updated High Impact Practice (HIP) brief on Adolescent Responsive Services.
On November 19, the High Impact Practices for Family Planning (HIPs) Network, in collaboration with Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) and IBP Network, hosted a webinar where family planning supply chain experts presented the most important intervention areas and tips from experience.
More and more of us find ourselves working remotely and connecting online rather than (or in addition to) face-to-face. Our colleagues at the IBP Network share how they successfully convened their regional meeting virtually when the COVID-19 pandemic changed their plans.