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KM: Create and Iterate

animated group of professionals in a discussion surrounding a table
A group of Kenyan women. Photo Credit: Fintrac Inc.
touch_app ICFP 2022 Highlights
Women at an adult literacy class funded by Paraspara Trust. Photo: John Isaac/ World Bank
USAID Ethiopia Bussa Health Center Family Planning
An infographic of people staying connecting over the internet
Man with water hose. Credit: Herve Irankunda
Medical students attend Medical Students for Choice conference, where they learn best practices around contraceptive use and safe abortion. Credit: Yagazie Emezi/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment.
Medical students and practitioners from across Africa gather at the second regional Medical Students for Choice (MSFC) conference. Credit: Yagazie Emezi/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment.