This article explores the impact of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) on improving access to health services, particularly in family planning and sexual reproductive health. It highlights the findings from a series of regional dialogues organized by Knowledge SUCCESS, FP2030, PAI, and MSH, which examined the integration of family planning into UHC programs and addressed challenges and best practices across different regions.
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In a July 2022 post about the NextGen RH Community of Practice (CoP), the authors announced the structure of the platform, its advisory committee members, and its new design process. This blog post will cover major structural advancements the team is making to ensure the successful recruitment and retention of future members.
How might we encourage the FP/RH workforce to share knowledge with each other? Particularly when it comes to sharing failures, people are hesitant. This post summarizes Knowledge SUCCESS’s recent assessment to capture and measure information-sharing behavior and intention among a sample of FP/RH and other global health professionals based in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia.
Depuis sa création, le Partenariat de Ouagadougou (PO) œuvre pour l’amélioration et la promotion de la santé reproductive et l’accès à l’information et aux services de planification familiale dans la sous région Ouest Africaine Francophone. Pour optimiser cette lutte, les Gouvernements, les donateurs du PO, et les partenaires de mise en œuvre locaux et internationaux se sont appuyés sur les organisations de la société civile (OSC) y compris les organisations locales basées dans les neuf pays du PO afin d’identifier les besoins et les priorités en matière de santé reproductive au sein de leurs communautés.
Maryam Yusuf, an Associate with Busara Center for Behavioral Economics, shares research on cognitive overload and choice overload, offers insights from co-creation workshops, and suggests considerations for sharing information without overwhelming audiences.
How can hands-on, collaborative approaches - like design thinking - help us re-imagine knowledge management in family planning and reproductive health? Participants from four regional co-creation workshops share their experience.