Self-care for sexual and reproductive health has advanced significantly in the last two years, following the publication of the World Health Organization's (WHO) self-care guidelines in 2018, recently updated in 2022. According to Senior Technical Advisor for Self-Care Sarah Onyango, remarkable progress has been made at national levels, with several countries developing and adopting national self-care guidelines.
Through a long-term partnership, FP2030 and Knowledge SUCCESS have used KM techniques to summarize country commitments in shareable formats that anyone can easily understand and expand documentation expertise among FP2030 Focal Points.
On August 17, Knowledge SUCCESS and the FP2030 NWCA Hub hosted a webinar on postpartum and post-abortion family planning (PPFP/PAFP) indicators that promoted recommended indicators and highlighted successful implementation stories from experts in Rwanda, Nigeria and Burkina Faso.
e 17 août, Knowledge SUCCESS et le FP2030 NWCA Hub ont organisé un webinaire sur les indicateurs de planification familiale post-partum et post-avortement (PPFP/PAFP) qui a promu les indicateurs recommandés et mis en lumière des exemples de mise en œuvre réussie par des experts au Rwanda, au Nigéria et au Burkina Faso.
In Nigeria, orphans, vulnerable children, and young people (OVCYP) are the largest at-risk group amongst the entire population. A vulnerable child is below the age of 18 who is currently or likely to be exposed to adverse conditions, thereby subjected to significant physical, emotional, or mental stress resulting in inhibited socio-economic development.
Descriptive analysis of financial data trends in Nigeria, specifically in Ebonyi State, painted a rather gloomy picture for family planning (FP). Dr. Chinyere Mbachu, Doctor at Health Policy Research Group, College of Medicine at the University of Nigeria, and co-author of this research discussed how financing has an impact on reproductive health (RH) family planning.
Parkers Mobile Clinic (PMC360) is a Nigerian non-profit organization. It brings integrated health care services, including reproductive health services, to the doorsteps of people in rural and remote areas. In this interview, Dr. Charles Umeh, the founder of Parkers Mobile Clinic, highlights the organization’s focus—tackling health inequality and overpopulation to improve population, health, and environmental outcomes.
Connecting the Dots Between Evidence and Experience combines the latest evidence with implementation experiences to help technical advisors and program managers understand emerging trends in family planning and inform adaptations to their own programs. The inaugural edition focuses on the impact of COVID-19 on family planning in Africa and Asia.