RH Law Timeline
Finally, the text in each popup group was selected, and the "Fade In" animation on-view and the "Fade Out" animation on-hide was applied.
The circle_icons, in each popup group, were selected and the following animations were applied: "Spin and Fade In" animation on-view and the "Spin and Fade Out" animation on-hide.
The "Fade In" Animation was applied to each year group. And the delay was set at 0.4 Sec increments.
The "Expand" animation was added to the Timeline line. And the direction was set towards the right and the duration to 2.0 Sec.
On each Hotspot, the "On hover - show" interaction was applied and the appropriate popup group was selected.
Add the following animations and interactions:
How was this template built?
Add animations and interactions to make data more visually engaging.
Template - Timeline
1280px x 720px
Hover interactions allow you to reveal or hide folders, objects, or groups when the user hovers their mouse over your specified trigger. In this template, when the user hovers over a year, a popup appears.
To add a hover interaction, draw a hotspot over the area you want the user to hover over. Select the hotspot and navigate to the Interaction tab in the Inspector Panel. Select “Hover” as your trigger and specify the action, (ex: Show), then choose the folder, object, or group you want to reveal or hide.
RH law passed
Dec 2012
FDA cleared all contraceptives affected by TRO
Nov 2017
Apr 2017
Second appeal lost, but SC modified TRO and made compliance easier
Jul 2013
Suspension extended indefinitely
Apr 2014
SC ruled 8 provisions as unconstitutional, but allowed all other parts of the law
Jun 2015
SC sided with a new anti-RH petition; issued a TRO on contraceptives
Aug 2016
Pro-RH lost first appeal; TRO expanded
Mar 2013
Supreme Court (SC) suspended law for 120 days to hear petitions of anti-RH groups