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Movilización de recursos locales: aprovechar las fortalezas y el potencial de Asia

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Movilización de recursos locales: aprovechar las fortalezas y el potencial de Asia

8 de agosto a las 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 pm EDT

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In order to sustain and accelerate progress made by countries on sexual and reproductive health indicators, numerous countries continue to examine innovative ways to mobilize domestic resources to fund sexual and reproductive health programming. This includes exploring public-private partnerships, re-allocation of funds, and including family planning in universal health coverage initiatives. Domestic resource mobilization is championed by numerous international organizations and partnerships working in the sexual and reproductive health space around the world. The key to sustainability in family planning is the diversification of the funding base from purely donor-funded programs to include corporate sponsorships, charitable contributions and other sources.
Join Knowledge SUCCESS on Aug 8, 2024 08:00 am for an interactive webinar exploring domestic resource mobilization in the Asia region and discover how the approach can be applied to different contexts. Expert panelists will delve into experiences in implementation, discuss how their organizations have addressed persistent challenges, and share lessons learned.
Our Speakers:
– Tash, Resource Mobilization Coordinator, The YP Foundation, India
– Sourav Neogi, Regional Program Manager – NE, MCGL, Jhpiego, India
– Vergil de Claro, Policy and Health System Senior Advisor, RTI International, Philippines
– Shivani Garg, Program Officer, Jhpiego, India
We value inclusion and access for all participants and are pleased to provide slides in advance for participants who require reasonable accommodation for language or other reasons.
Please contact Sophie Weiner ( to make a reasonable accommodation request. Requests must be received by August 5.
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agosto 8
8:00 a. m. - 5:00 p. m. EDT
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