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Knowledge SUCCESS is pleased to offer many webinars and events on relevant and timely topics in FP/RH and knowledge management. This page lists all events that are hosted or co-hosted by Knowledge SUCCESS and our partners.


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Latest Past Events

Programmatic adaptations enabled continued access to FP during the COVID-19 pandemic: What did we learn and how can we apply it to future crises?

PEACH Pattaya 15

Presenter(s): Ruwaida Salem, Senior Program Officer, Knowledge SUCCESS; Anne Ballard Sara, Senior Program Officer, Knowledge SUCCESS; Catherine Packer, Technical Advisor-RMNCH Communications and Knowledge Management, Knowledge SUCCESS Download the presentation slides (forthcoming) Access the resource(s): Connecting the Dots between Evidence & Experience: The Impact of COVID-19 on Family Planning in Africa & Asia  Connecting the Dots: […]

Health in our Hands: Self-Care Showcase and Reception

November 16, 2022 @ 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Thailand Time)The Self-Care Trailblazers Group (SCTG) is excited to announce our in-person side event at the International Conference on Family Planning! Self-care is the root of healthcare. It is key to expanding contraceptive access, use, and choice and attaining universal health coverage (UHC) goals. We invite […]

IBP Track: Lunchtime Roundtable Discussion

Royal Summit Chamber A. Beach Hotel: Table #9

Presenter(s): Grace Gayoso Pasion, Regional Knowledge Management Lead, Asia, Knowledge SUCCESS   Join Knowledge SUCCESS at Table #9 to discuss what works in adolescent youth sexual reproductive health in the Asia region. Access the resource