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Knowledge SUCCESS is pleased to offer many webinars and events on relevant and timely topics in FP/RH and knowledge management. This page lists all events that are hosted or co-hosted by Knowledge SUCCESS and our partners.

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Webinar: Inequality Monitoring in in Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health eLearning course

March 9, 2023 @ 13:00 - 14:00 PM (Central European Time)Inequities in sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health (SRMNCAH) throughout the world mean that certain population subgroups have systematically worse health outcomes and poorer access to services and interventions. Addressing inequities in SRMNCAH is central to achieve universal health coverage, protect human rights, […]

Sustaining PHE Activities in Kenya and Uganda


In 2022, Knowledge SUCCESS collaborated with 128 Collective (formerly Preston-Werner Ventures) and USAID, to conduct a rapid stock-taking exercise to document the sustained impact of a cross-sectoral integrated Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) project. That exercise resulted in a learning brief that shares the lessons and learnings about scale-up and sustainability of the Health of […]

NextGen RH CoP General Meeting

We are excited to invite you to our NextGen RH Community Of Practice (CoP) June General Meeting. During this meeting, we will explore young people’s comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) knowledge preferences and needs, including the SRH information youth are looking for, and how AYSRH professionals share it, how youth determine what is considered credible information, and more.

Women Deliver 2023: Equity in Knowledge Management for Inclusive Health Programming

Will you be at Women Deliver 2023? Join us on July 18 for a breakfast session from 7:00 am - 8:30 pm for a discussion all about Equity in Knowledge Management. This session will give you the tools you need to ensure gender equality in your KM interventions for global health. https://airtable.com/appBxjxdbMWE9XD8L/shrc0IzXl9POjE4Nu

Webinar: Integrating COVID-19 Vaccination Into Primary Health Care (PHC)


Event Materials French recording English recording Presentation slides (PDF) Join us for an exciting webinar on integrating COVID-19 vaccination into primary health care (PHC) on 20 July from 8:00-9:30 AM EDT. This is the first in a series of webinars aimed at how to integrate COVID-19 vaccination into primary health care, organized by the USAID-funded […]

Strategies to Engage the Private Sector in FP/RH: Insights, Experiences, and Lessons Learned from Asia

Join us for an exciting webinar on engaging the private sector in family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) on 16 August from 7:00-8:00 AM EDT, organized by the USAID-funded Knowledge SUCCESS project. This webinar will highlight strategies to engage the private sector, insights for navigating this work, as well as successes and lessons learned from […]

Postpartum and Post-Abortion Family Planning Indicators

Join us for a webinar. Thursday, August 17 at 9:00-10:30 am EDT This webinar will be hosted in English with French interpretation. Register to attend Providing family planning counseling as part of childbirth care before a woman departs a facility, and as part of quality post-abortion care are key interventions to ensure that rapid repeat […]

NextGen RH September Meeting

Join us on September 11 for the NextGen RH September meeting as we explore youth innovations in AYSRH! Youth are the driving force behind many creative programs and initiatives to ensure improved SRH outcomes, and youth engagement and partnership. This meeting will feature some highlights from our Advisory Committee members on their innovative programming, as […]

KM Training Package Tutorial for Trainers

Available in English and French, the Knowledge Management Training Package is an online tool with numerous ready-to-use training modules for global health and development practitioners. Designed first and foremost for trainers, the site features introductory modules to strengthen foundational KM skills for beginners as well as modules in specialized areas like storytelling, visual content, peer […]

SMART Advocacy Approach: An Intro Workshop for Youth-led Organizations Working in AYSRH in Asia

Register for the upcoming SMART Advocacy Approach: An Intro Workshop for Youth-led Organizations working in AYSRH in Asia. To further strengthen knowledge management skills among youth-led organizations in USAID Population and Reproductive Health countries in Asia (Afghanistan, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Philippines, Yemen, Cambodia, and Timor-Leste) and to respond to expressed needs from those youth-led […]