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A woman learning family planning options like contraceptive implants at a rural village on the outskirts of Mombasa.
A powerpoint presentation intro slide that has pictures of contraceptives and the presentation title, which is "Advancing Self-Care in Asia: Insights, Experiences, and Lessons Learned"
touch_app Contraceptive Implant Introduction and Scale-up
An graphic of three candles and a holiday wreath. The text says: "3rd Annual Family Planning Resource Guide. Your guide to 20 FP/RH resources developed or updated by USAID implementing partners in 2022."
Two women sit at a table during an event by an association that encourages sex workers to go for health check-ups and facilitates access to sexual and reproductive health information and counseling in Kigali, Rwanda. Photo Credit: Yagazie Emezi/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment
Medical supplies. Credit: US Marines
First Class-Pharmacists and pharmaceutical technologists training in family planning using the newly approved curriculum
Photo Credit: Joshua Yospyn/JSI, courtesy of flickr
Implanon NXT contraceptive implant
Photo Credit: Joshua Yospyn/JSI, courtesy of flickr