खोज्न टाइप गर्नुहोस्


वेबिनार रिक्याप

South Asian woman holding baby
A staff of the Bombali District Health Management Team coaches a health worker.
Youth ages 15 to 19, from socially and economically marginalized communities, attend a Pathfinder International training about adolescent sexual and reproductive health.
A mother holding her baby. Photo credit: Communauté de Pratique de la Planification Familiale Post Partum intégrée à la Santé Maternelle Néonatale et Infantile et à la Nutrition
A powerpoint presentation intro slide that has pictures of contraceptives and the presentation title, which is "Advancing Self-Care in Asia: Insights, Experiences, and Lessons Learned"
A female health worker sits at a table organizing the sale of health care products as part of a community outreach program in Rwanda.
Young health workers standing in a road in Palawan, Philippines. Both are dressed in all black, are smiling at the camera, and are holding up their hands in a peace sign. Both are also carrying plastic boxes in front of them.