Knowledge SUCCESS East Africa KM Champion, Fatma Mohamedi, recently shared how she has used the knowledge management training modules in her organization's work in providing health education to people living with disabilities in Tanzania.
Knowledge SUCCESS interviewed global health professionals on progress made since the 1994 ICPD Cairo Conference. The first in a three-part series features Mary Beth Powers, President and CEO of the Catholic Medical Mission Board.
The ICPD30 Global Dialogue on Technology, held in New York in June 2024, aimed to harness the transformative power of technology to advance women's rights. Key takeaways include the potential of feminist-centered technology to address gender-based violence and inequalities, the need for intersectional feminist approaches to technology development, and the importance of government and tech corporations taking action to protect marginalized groups online.
Self-care for sexual and reproductive health has advanced significantly in the last two years, following the publication of the World Health Organization's (WHO) self-care guidelines in 2018, recently updated in 2022. According to Senior Technical Advisor for Self-Care Sarah Onyango, remarkable progress has been made at national levels, with several countries developing and adopting national self-care guidelines.
Our brand-new quarterly newsletter, Together for Tomorrow, a vibrant compilation showcases the latest triumphs and breakthroughs within our Family Planning and Reproductive Health (FP/RH) community across Asia, East Africa, and West Africa. It’s a PDF resource that’s intended to be read offline.
Discover the work of Kupenda for the Children in supporting young people with disabilities affected by sexual abuse. Read the interview with Stephen Kitsao and learn how he counsels families impacted by disability.
At Knowledge SUCCESS, we work closely with family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) projects around the world to support their knowledge management (KM) efforts—that is, to share what works and what doesn’t work in programs, so we can learn from each other, adapt and scale up best practices, and avoid repeating past mistakes.
En Ecuador, si bien ha habido importantes avances políticos que reconocen a las personas con discapacidad (PCD) como titulares de derechos, persisten muchas situaciones de exclusión debido a las condiciones de pobreza o pobreza extrema que afectan a muchas PCD, y el acceso real a la salud de las PCD sigue sin lograrse.