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menstrual health

South African Minister Bathabile Dlamini and her colleague sit at a booth presenting menstrual health education materials at the first ever symposium on Menstrual Health Management in East and Southern Africa in 2018 put on by the Department of Women and the UNFPA. Photo credit: GCIS
Wii Tuke Gender Initiative interacts with girls on Menstrual Health-Wii Tuke Gender Initiative Pictues
A hand holding a see-through container with menstrual health supplies—tampons and menstrual cups
timeline Youth ages 15 to 19, from socially and economically marginalized communities, attend a Pathfinder International training. Photo Credit: Paula Bronstein/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment.
Gonoshasthaya Community Health Center (outside Dhaka). Gonoshsthaya Kendra (GK) provides health care and health insurance to undeserved populations in Bangladesh. Photo: Rama George-Alleyne / World Bank