Knowledge SUCCESS developed a tool that helps countries to assess the way they develop, implement, and evaluate their family planning Costed Implementation Plans and ensure that knowledge management is integrated throughout the process.
Knowledge SUCCESS a accueilli une cohorte bilingue de Learning Circles avec les points focaux jeunesse du FP2030 de l'Afrique de l'Est et du Sud (ESA) et de l'Afrique du Nord, de l'Ouest et du Centre (NWCA). En savoir plus sur les connaissances acquises lors de cette cohorte axée sur l'institutionnalisation des programmes de santé sexuelle et reproductive des adolescents et des jeunes.
Knowledge SUCCESS hosted a bilingual Learning Circles cohort with FP2030 Youth Focal Points from the East and Southern Africa (ESA) and North, West and Central Africa (NWCA) Hubs. Learn more about the insights uncovered from that cohort focused on institutionalizing adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health programs.
Knowledge SUCCESS applies a systems perspective to our KM capacity strengthening work. Learn about what the project found during a recent evaluation on how our work has strengthened KM capacity and improved KM performance among FP/RH stakeholders in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
Knowledge SUCCESS conducted an assessment of how knowledge management was integrated into Costed Implementation Plans in five West African countries. The findings revealed multifaceted ways that KM contributes to stronger FP/RH outcomes and more efficient use of limited resources.
Gain insights on the vital role of Senegal's self-care guidelines and their impact on reproductive health goals. And, delve into the intersection of knowledge management and self-care guidelines, showcasing the collaborative efforts between Senegal and Knowledge SUCCESS.
Obtenez des perspectives sur le rôle essentiel des directives d'auto-soins du Sénégal et leur impact sur les objectifs de santé reproductive. Plongez également dans l'intersection entre la gestion des connaissances et les directives d'auto-soins, mettant en lumière les efforts collaboratifs entre le Sénégal et Knowledge SUCCESS.
Learning Circles are held virtually (four weekly two-hour sessions) or in person (three full consecutive days), in English and in French. The first cohorts were facilitated by Knowledge SUCCESS regional program officers, but to ensure the sustainability of the model, Knowledge SUCCESS has since partnered with other organizations (such as FP2030 and Breakthrough ACTION) to train them to facilitate.