Dear Family Planning Champion,
On September 26, much of the family planning community observed World Contraception Day (WCD). This day celebrates the successes in the international family planning sphere—advances in technology, access, and use of modern contraceptives—and highlights the need for continued momentum toward reducing unmet need and preventing unintended pregnancies.
Last week, the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) organized a World Contraception Day Chat, with Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng (Dr. T) as the host. Missed it? Watch the recording!
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Dr. T is a United Nations Special Rapporteur, author, and reproductive rights activist. During The Pulse, which is a series of online events, she brings together youth activists to share personal stories about family planning as it relates to universal health coverage and the recent challenges brought on by COVID-19.
For the WCD edition of The Pulse, Dr. T spoke with panelists from India, Nigeria, and Kenya who work with youth-led or other advocacy organizations on sexual and reproductive health. The event was broadcasted with simultaneous French interpretation, and you can watch the recordings to catch up on this “pulse check” for WCD. As Dr. T said, “This day provides us an opportunity to talk about what universal access to contraception and family planning services mean…this conversation will help tie to the conversation of the broader International Conference on Family Planning 2022 of universal health coverage and family planning.” See what you can learn from this chat and join the WCD conversation!