Andika ili kutafuta



Ugandan people in a farm field. Photo Credit: James Peter Olemo
Dugongs, a type of large marine mammal, being released by the community of Maliangin, Malaysia within the Maliangin marine sanctuary.
Man with water hose. Credit: Herve Irankunda
USAID partners with countries across sub-Saharan Africa to reduce vulnerabilities to climate change and making economies and livelihoods more resilient. Photo Credit: Herve Irankunda, USAID in Africa.
pen and paper
People walking on a street during daytime. Photo credit: gemmmm/Unsplash
Project staff and participants plant mangrove seedlings. Image credit: PATH Foundation Philippines, Inc.
Project staff and participants plant mangrove seedlings. Image credit: PATH Foundation Philippines, Inc.
People collect data in a mangrove forest. Image credit: PATH Foundation Philippines, Inc.
People-Planet Connection featured image