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Noções básicas de GC/KM precisa de treinamento

Knowledge A SUCCESS tem o prazer de oferecer muitos webinars e eventos sobre tópicos relevantes e oportunos em FP/RH e gestão do conhecimento. Esta página lista todos os eventos que são organizados ou co-organizados pela Knowledge SUCCESS e nossos parceiros.

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Noções básicas de GC/KM precisa de treinamento

2 de maio às 7h00 - 8:30 da manhã EDT

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We are excited to announce a unique opportunity: Two KM trainings specifically for youth-led organizations in the Asia Region! These trainings will allow participants to learn about KM techniques, approaches, and frameworks most relevant to the needs of youth-led organizations. They are open to anyone working for a youth-led organization and designing, implementing, or evaluating FP/RH programs in Asia.

The first session will provide an overview of KM and help you assess KM needs of different audiences. The second training will focus on strengthening your capacity to document and share program experiences.

Register (for one or both sessions) by April 29, 2024 to secure your spot!

Session dates:

  • KM Basics/KM Needs: May 2
  • Documentation: May 16

Session times:

    • Both sessions will be from 7-8:30 PM Singapore time


2 de maio
7h00 - 8h30 EDT
Categoria de Evento:
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