தேட தட்டச்சு செய்யவும்


இளம் பருவத்தினர் மற்றும் இளைஞர்கள்

A teacher shows students condom use in an educational program to promote awareness of HIV/AIDS. Cambodia. Photo: © Masaru Goto / World Bank
Young men worshipping. Credit: ValeriaRodrigues/Pixabay.
Young men worshipping. Credit: ValeriaRodrigues/Pixabay.
A man and a women with their shadows behind them
Members of a Youth to Youth group. Credit: Jonathan Torgovnik/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment
A woman at a health center in Bangladesh
Two Jamaicans standing in front of a wall mural that reads "We are Jamaican". JFLAG Pride, 2020 © JFLAG
Women at an adult literacy class. Credit: John Isaac/World Bank.
Les jeunes en train de s’engager face aux normes sociales réfractaires à leur Santé sexuelle et reproductive lors du 2ème atelier régional des jeunes à Abidjan.