खोज्न टाइप गर्नुहोस्


सिकेका पाठहरू

A teacher shows students condom use in an educational program to promote awareness of HIV/AIDS. Cambodia. Photo: © Masaru Goto / World Bank
माइक Shegitu, a health extension worker, facilitates a conversation about family planning with ten women at Buture Health Post in Jimma, Ethiopia. Photo credit: Maheder Haileselassie Tadese/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment/December 3, 2019.
A screenshot of a Zoom call
A young Nigerian girls stands smiling the foreground. In the background her friends stand, also smiling
A young woman sits surrounded by other young people. She demonstrates the use of an internal/female condom.
समय रेखा Illustration of people from around the world exchanging knowledge
A midwife providing counseling to a pregnant women.
Dugongs, a type of large marine mammal, being released by the community of Maliangin, Malaysia within the Maliangin marine sanctuary.
A man and a women with their shadows behind them