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गर्भनिरोधक आपूर्ति और सुरक्षा

A woman learning family planning options like contraceptive implants at a rural village on the outskirts of Mombasa.
माइक Marie Ba speaking on RAPO2022 conference panel
माइक Marie Ba speaking on RAPO2022 conference panel
Photo Credit: Bangladesh Research Team, Bangladesh.
A South Asian woman. Photo Credit: Paula Bronstein/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment
A dirt road to the right of the photo leads to a small green health clinic in the distance. In front of the clinic is a porch area with a group of people sitting outside. Credit: Afghanistan, Department for International Development, 2009.
माइक The photo depicts The Kasha Fulfillment Center in Kigali, Rwanda. Kasha is an e-commerce company that enables confidential purchases of health care products, including contraceptives, pregnancy tests, and HIV oral self-test kits. The Kasha Fulfillment Center sells and distributes general beauty and over-the-counter health products. It also relays orders to pharmacies (e.g., for birth control and morning-after pills) for fulfilment and delivery in discreet packaging. The wall to the left in the photo is made of brick and is painted teal. It is lined with white bookshelves with various health and wellbeing products such as soup, shampoo, deodorant, and menstrual pads. There are two white tables in front of these shelves with a horizontal file folder, two computers and a printer on top. There are also two black chairs pushed in, in front of the white tables. A woman sits in the far back left corner of the photo at one of the computers. Another woman stands to the right of the tables and wears a grey t-shirt, jeans, and pink sandals. The wall in the right side of the photo is painted bright pink.
touch_app Contraceptive Implant Introduction and Scale-up