Brought to you by IBP Network and Knowledge SUCCESS
In the second season of Inside the FP Story, we collaborated with the World Health Organization (WHO) / IBP Network to explore issues around implementing family planning programs. Featuring six episodes, this season connects you with the authors of a series of implementation stories—published by the IBP Network and Knowledge SUCCESS. These stories offer practical examples—and specific guidance for others—on implementing high-impact practices in family planning and using the latest tools and guidance from WHO.
Want to read the transcript while you listen? We’ve posted transcripts in English, French and Spanish under each episode. Episodes are also available on Simplecast, Spotify, Stitcher, and Apple Podcasts.
Inside the FP Story is a podcast with family planning professionals, for family planning professionals. Each season, we explore the details of family planning programming, like you’ve never seen it before. Hear directly from program implementers and decision makers from around the world on issues that matter to family planning and get an inside look into their programs. Through these honest conversations, we’ll learn what has worked in family planning programs, what to avoid, and what others are doing to push the boundaries of creative solutions.
Episode One: Reaching rural and remote communities with family planning services
In Season 2 of Inside the FP Story, Knowledge SUCCESS collaborates with the World Health Organization (WHO) / IBP Network to explore issues around implementing family planning programs. In this episode, we will hear about two programs on opposite sides of the globe—one in Guatemala and the other in Vietnam. Both programs used innovative approaches to engage with communities in remote areas and meet their family planning needs.
Want to read the Episode 1 transcript while you listen? You can download the Episode 1 transcript in English, French or Spanish.
Episode Two: Integrating family planning with other health areas and settings
In this episode, we will focus on integrating family planning services with other health areas and settings. Featuring guests from Tanzania, Nigeria, and Bangladesh, we will examine specific actions that programs can take to involve communities and meet family planning needs. From HIV to maternal health to refugee camps, this episode will examine what elements of these integrated programs can be replicated in other settings to improve access to family planning.
Want to read the Episode 2 transcript while you listen? You can download the Episode 2 transcript in English, French or Spanish.
Episode Three: Ensuring essential FP information for diverse groups of adolescents
In this episode, we turn our attention to youth. Featuring guests from Benin, Ecuador, and Colombia, we will explore innovative strategies to provide essential family planning information and services to diverse groups of adolescents. From jewelry making to a unique method of engaging peer influencers, today’s episode will discuss what elements of successful programs can be replicated in other settings to improve access to contraception among young people.
Want to read the Episode 3 transcript while you listen? You can download the Episode 3 transcript in English, French or Spanish.
Episode Four: Providing adolescent-responsive contraceptive services
In this episode, we continue our focus on youth—but this time, we focus on service delivery. We hear about three distinct healthcare settings—in Kenya, Mexico, and Zimbabwe—that respond to the specific needs of adolescents and youth and ensure that they have access to the family planning and reproductive health care that meets their unique needs.
Want to read the Episode 4 transcript while you listen? You can download the Episode 4 transcript in English, French or Spanish.
Episode Five: Innovating to meet clients’ needs
This episode, we are changing course a bit, to focus on overall systems and policies. From pre-service training for midwives and obstetrics and gynecology students in Burkina Faso to a fixed day approach for family planning provision in India, we will explore innovations that meet family planning clients’ needs and create enabling environments that allow family planning programs to be successful.
Want to read the Episode 5 transcript while you listen? You can download the Episode 5 transcript in English, French or Spanish.
Episode Six: Strengthening partnerships and advocacy for family planning programs
This episode—our last for this season—will feature guests from Madagascar and Uganda who will share stories about strengthening partnerships and advocacy for family planning. Their insights can help us as we look to shape supportive systems and ensure that family planning programs can reach all who need them.
Want to read the Episode 6 transcript while you listen? You can download the Episode 6 transcript in English, French or Spanish.