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New Videos on Non-Hormonal Contraceptives

That One Thing - The one FP/RH update you need to focus on this week

Dear Family Planning Champion,

Want short, informative videos on contraceptive options that your family planning program can use for a variety of settings? Want to expand awareness of non-hormonal contraceptive options and give providers tools to do this? Global Health Media Project develops an array of contraceptive videos and has recently released a series on non-hormonal methods.

Click here to view all the previous issues of That One Thing.

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New Videos on Non-Hormonal Contraceptives

This new series of videos explores condoms, the new single-sized Caya diaphragm, the breastfeeding method, and fertility awareness methods. The live-action videos were shot in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Uganda, and the US. The site allows you to filter by topic, audience (health workers or women and partners), and language (including Arabic, French, Spanish, and many local languages).