Professionals can discuss various family planning options, educate you about their effectiveness, and help you understand potential side effects and risks associated with each family planning method.
Collins Otieno recently joined Knowledge SUCCESS as the Knowledge Management Officer for our East African region. Collins has a wealth of experience in knowledge management (KM) and a deep commitment to advancing effective and sustainable healthcare solutions.
Knowledge management was a key component in the creation of Kenya’s FP2030 Commitments.
POPCOM develops a KM strategy with the assistance of Knowledge SUCCESS to improve FP outcomes.
In July 2021, USAID’s Research for Scalable Solutions (R4S) project, led by FHI 360, released the Drug Shop Operators' Provision of Injectable Contraception manual. The handbook shows how drug shop operators can coordinate with the public health system to safely provide an expanded method mix that includes injectables, as well as training for clients on self-injection. The handbook was developed in Uganda in partnership with the National Drug Shop Task Team but can be adapted to various contexts in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Knowledge SUCCESS’ contibuting writer Brian Mutebi talked to Fredrick Mubiru, Family Planning Technical Advisor at FHI 360 and one of the key resource persons involved in the development of the handbook, about its significance and why people should use it.
Despite the success of the Ouagadougou Partnership, the francophone Africa family planning and reproductive health ecosystem faces challenges. Knowledge SUCCESS aims to help address the identified regional knowledge management challenges.
The East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Rwanda seem to have one common challenge in the implementation of family planning and reproductive health programs—knowledge management. The countries are rich in family planning and reproductive health knowledge, but such information is fragmented and not shared. To tackle the identified challenges, Knowledge SUCCESS mobilized family planning and reproductive health stakeholders in the region to address the knowledge management jigsaw puzzle.
Over the last several years, Knowledge SUCCESS’s resources have gained traction in the Asia-Pacific region. These USAID family planning priority countries have shown progress and commitment to improving family planning services. However, persistent challenges remain.