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Dr. Pierre Claver Kariyo

Dr. Pierre Claver Kariyo

Medical Officer, WHO, Inter Support team for West Africa

Dr. Pierre Claver Kariyo is a physician (University of Burundi), specialist in Pediatrics and Preventive Medicine (University of Rennes). He is in charge of integrated health care issues and quality improvement of health services with a focus on Primary Health Care within the West Africa IST team. His particular interest in health systems is in access to quality health services for all ages and for all people. He has contributed to numerous publications on child health and safe care in general. As an advisor to the IST in Ouagadougou, he is responsible for supporting countries in the sub-region to develop and implement policies and strategies aimed at providing populations with access to quality integrated care through the implementation of quality primary health care in order to achieve universal health coverage.

A mother holding her baby. Photo credit: Communauté de Pratique de la Planification Familiale Post Partum intégrée à la Santé Maternelle Néonatale et Infantile et à la Nutrition