Season 6 of Inside the FP Story highlights the importance of considering the larger sexual and reproductive health context when providing family planning and contraceptive services.
In 2022, Knowledge SUCCESS collaborated with 128 Collective (formerly Preston-Werner Ventures) to conduct a rapid stock-taking exercise to document the impact of HoPE-LVB, an integrated Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) project in Kenya and Uganda. During a recent webinar, panelists shared how HoPE-LVB activities continue in the two countries.
Season 5 of Inside the FP Story highlights the importance of using an intersectional approach in family planning and sexual and reproductive health programs.
A new Knowledge SUCCESS learning brief documents the sustained impact of activities started under the Health of People and Environment–Lake Victoria Basin (HoPE-LVB) project, an eight-year integrated effort that ended in 2019. Featuring insights from HoPE-LVB stakeholders several years after the project’s closure, this brief offers important lessons learned to help inform future design, implementation, and funding of cross-sectoral integrated programs.
The International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP 2022) is the world’s largest convening of family planning and SRHR experts—and an amazing resource for knowledge exchange.
Season 4 of our Inside the FP Story podcast explores how to address family planning and reproductive health within fragile settings.
In March of 2020 many professionals increasingly turned to virtual solutions to meet with colleagues, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As this was a new shift for most of us, the WHO/IBP Network published Going Virtual: Tips for Hosting an Effective Virtual Meeting. While the COVID-19 pandemic showed us the power and importance of virtual meetings to continue our essential work, it also reminded us how important face-to-face interactions are for networking and relationship building. Now that virtual meetings have become a routine part of our work, many have shifted their focus to hosting hybrid meetings, where some people are participating in-person and some join remotely. In this post, we explore the benefits and challenges of hosting a hybrid meeting as well as our tips for hosting an effective hybrid meeting.
Season 3 of the Inside the FP Story podcast explores how to approach gender integration in family planning programs. It covers the topics of reproductive empowerment, gender-based violence prevention and response, and male engagement. Here, we summarize key insights shared by the season’s guests.