The ICPD30 Global Dialogue on Technology, held in New York in June 2024, aimed to harness the transformative power of technology to advance women's rights. Key takeaways include the potential of feminist-centered technology to address gender-based violence and inequalities, the need for intersectional feminist approaches to technology development, and the importance of government and tech corporations taking action to protect marginalized groups online.
Discover the work of Kupenda for the Children in supporting young people with disabilities affected by sexual abuse. Read the interview with Stephen Kitsao and learn how he counsels families impacted by disability.
As we extend a warm welcome to the 2024 members of the steering committee, we express profound gratitude to the outgoing team for their invaluable experiences and insights. Join us in celebrating their journey and gathering wisdom to empower the incoming team.
We’ve interviewed Dr. Joan L. Castro, M.D. as a transformative leader and healthcare professional dedicated to reshaping public health.
Positions Open: Youth Co-Chair Advisory Committee Members Position Duration: October 2023-September 2024 Apply by October 13 to be considered! Are you passionate about AYSRHR and have ideas for how to […]
In Nigeria, orphans, vulnerable children, and young people (OVCYP) are the largest at-risk group amongst the entire population. A vulnerable child is below the age of 18 who is currently or likely to be exposed to adverse conditions, thereby subjected to significant physical, emotional, or mental stress resulting in inhibited socio-economic development.
A brief introduction of the new endeavors underway with USAID's reproductive health project, PROPEL Adapt.
To explore what works and what doesn't work in family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) programs, the Knowledge SUCCESS project launched Learning Circles, an activity designed to meet the need for transparent dialogue and learning between diverse FP/RH professionals.