Knowledge SUCCESS developed a tool that helps countries to assess the way they develop, implement, and evaluate their family planning Costed Implementation Plans and ensure that knowledge management is integrated throughout the process.
Held on May 15-16, 2024 in Dhaka, Bangladesh, the ICPD30 Global Dialogue on Demographic Diversity and Sustainable Development focused on how our world's changing demographics impact sustainable development, with a special emphasis on promoting gender equality, advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights, and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
In April 2024, United Nations Population Fund hosted the ICPD30 Global Youth Dialogue in Cotonou, Benin. The dialogue provided a unique platform for youth activists, policymakers, and regional and intergovernmental organizations to collaborate on sexual and reproductive health and rights, education, human rights, and gender equality.
MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience (MIHR), in collaboration with the government of Mali, is implementing demand creation and social behavior change interventions to promote positive attitudes and supportive cultural norms for family planning and related health services, particularly for youth.
Knowledge SUCCESS and TheCollaborative CoP hosted a webinar to explore insights on technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TF-GBV) in East Africa. Hear powerful stories from TF-GBV survivors and discover effective interventions and digital safety tools.
Le 11 juin 2024, le projet Knowledge SUCCESS a facilité une session bilingue d'assistance par les pairs entre une communauté de pratique (CdP) nouvellement formée sur la santé reproductive, le changement climatique et l'action humanitaire soutenue par Niger Jhpiego et TheCollaborative.
On June 11, 2024, the Knowledge SUCCESS project facilitated a bilingual peer assist session between a newly-formed community of practice (CoP) on reproductive health, climate change, and humanitarian action supported by Niger Jhpiego and the East Africa CoP, TheCollaborative.
A recent workshop in Lomé catalyzed plans for the FP2030 Center of Excellence, aimed at integrating youth perspectives into family planning policies. Read how we're partnering with FP2030 to empower youth focal points with critical knowledge and capacity-building.
Explore a comprehensive recap of the Knowledge SUCCESS Project's recent webinar, highlighting key insights and success strategies discussed by family planning and reproductive health experts sharing lessons learned when implementing community health worker programs. Gain valuable perspectives from panelists across three regional cohorts as they share impactful lessons and contextual experiences.
Get to know our new West Africa regional team member, Thiarra! In our interview, she shares her inspiring journey and passion for family planning and reproductive health. Gain insights into her extensive experience supporting FP/RH projects and organizations, and learn how she's making a difference in West Africa.