Knowledge SUCCESS East Africa KM Champion, Fatma Mohamedi, recently shared how she has used the knowledge management training modules in her organization's work in providing health education to people living with disabilities in Tanzania.
Knowledge SUCCESS conducted an assessment of how knowledge management was integrated into Costed Implementation Plans in five West African countries. The findings revealed multifaceted ways that KM contributes to stronger FP/RH outcomes and more efficient use of limited resources.
Le 11 juin 2024, le projet Knowledge SUCCESS a facilité une session bilingue d'assistance par les pairs entre une communauté de pratique (CdP) nouvellement formée sur la santé reproductive, le changement climatique et l'action humanitaire soutenue par Niger Jhpiego et TheCollaborative.
On June 11, 2024, the Knowledge SUCCESS project facilitated a bilingual peer assist session between a newly-formed community of practice (CoP) on reproductive health, climate change, and humanitarian action supported by Niger Jhpiego and the East Africa CoP, TheCollaborative.
Discover how FP insight is revolutionizing access to family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) knowledge. With over 4,500 resources shared by a community of more than 1,800 FP/RH professionals around the globe, the FP insight platform makes it easy for professionals to find, share, and curate knowledge in a way that is meaningful to their own context, making it a valuable tool for professionals seeking to stay ahead in the FP/RH field.
Kirsten Krueger of FHI 360 delves into the complexities of population, health, and environment (PHE) terminology and its critical role in sustainable development. Drawing from her extensive experience in family planning and reproductive health, Krueger highlights the integration of climate change and environmental health into global health strategies, emphasizing their profound impact on economic revitalization and human well-being.
A recent workshop in Lomé catalyzed plans for the FP2030 Center of Excellence, aimed at integrating youth perspectives into family planning policies. Read how we're partnering with FP2030 to empower youth focal points with critical knowledge and capacity-building.
Recently, Knowledge SUCCESS organized a three-day Learning Circles session in Thiès, bringing together Senegalese professionals in family planning and reproductive health to explore effective self-care practices, with the participation of twenty stakeholders from various sectors. Explore further to uncover the knowledge management techniques and strategies exchanged throughout the session.
Récemment, Knowledge SUCCESS a organisé une session de trois jours de Cercles d'Apprentissage à Thiès, réunissant des professionnels sénégalais de la planification familiale et de la santé reproductive pour explorer des pratiques d'auto-soin efficaces, avec la participation de vingt acteurs issus de divers secteurs. Explorez davantage pour découvrir les techniques et stratégies de gestion des connaissances échangées tout au long de la session.
Gain insights on the vital role of Senegal's self-care guidelines and their impact on reproductive health goals. And, delve into the intersection of knowledge management and self-care guidelines, showcasing the collaborative efforts between Senegal and Knowledge SUCCESS.