Male involvement is a pressing continuous requirement for comprehensive family planning intervention. To reach desired outcomes there is an emphasis for crucial integration of male involvement within targeted communities. Read more on ways to continue to drive efforts to include adolescent boys and men in conversations about contraception.
Enroll in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Summer Institute course on Knowledge Management for Effective Global Health Programs.
L'année dernière, PATH et YUX Académie dans le cadre de HCDExchange ont lancer le réseau des ambassadeurs HCD+ASRH afin d'accroître la sensibilisation et de renforcer les capacités des praticiens, de développer une communauté, d'échanger des connaissances, et de partager des compétences et des connaissances.
Last year, PATH and YUX Academy, as part of HCDExchange project, launched the HCD+ASRH Network of Ambassadors to raise awareness and strengthen the capabilities of practitioners, develop a community, exchange knowledge, and share skills and expertise.
At Knowledge SUCCESS, we work closely with family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) projects around the world to support their knowledge management (KM) efforts—that is, to share what works and what doesn’t work in programs, so we can learn from each other, adapt and scale up best practices, and avoid repeating past mistakes.
To explore what works and what doesn't work in family planning and reproductive health (FP/RH) programs, the Knowledge SUCCESS project launched Learning Circles, an activity designed to meet the need for transparent dialogue and learning between diverse FP/RH professionals.
Pour lever le rideau sur ce qui fonctionne et ce qui ne fonctionne pas dans les programmes de PF/SR, le projet Knowledge SUCCESS a lancé les Learning Circles, une activité spécialement conçue pour répondre aux besoins de dialogue transparent et d'apprentissage entre divers professionnels de la PF/SR pour l'amélioration des programmes.