Explore a comprehensive recap of the Knowledge SUCCESS Project's recent webinar, highlighting key insights and success strategies discussed by family planning and reproductive health experts sharing lessons learned when implementing community health worker programs. Gain valuable perspectives from panelists across three regional cohorts as they share impactful lessons and contextual experiences.
Introducing the fourth version of our family planning resource guide, including 17 tools and resources from 10 projects. Consider this your holiday gift guide for family planning resources!
e 17 août, Knowledge SUCCESS et le FP2030 NWCA Hub ont organisé un webinaire sur les indicateurs de planification familiale post-partum et post-avortement (PPFP/PAFP) qui a promu les indicateurs recommandés et mis en lumière des exemples de mise en œuvre réussie par des experts au Rwanda, au Nigéria et au Burkina Faso.
During all stages of reproductive life, men play an important role in conversations and decisions about contraceptive use, family size, and spacing of children. Yet, even with this decision-making role, they are often left out of family planning and contraceptive programming, outreach, and education efforts.
We are pleased to introduce our new blog series, FP in UHC, developed and curated by FP2030, Knowledge SUCCESS, PAI, and MSH. The blog series will provide valuable insights into how family planning (FP) contributes to the achievement of Universal Health Coverage (UHC), with perspectives from leading organizations in the field. This is the second post in our series, focusing on engaging the private sector to ensure that FP is included in UHC.
On January 25, Knowledge SUCCESS hosted “Advancing Self-Care in Asia: Insights, Experiences, and Lessons Learned,” a panel conversation featuring experts from India, Pakistan, Nepal, and West Africa. The speakers discussed the feasibility and future of self-care for family planning (FP) in Asia and lessons learned from program experiences in West Africa.
En contribuant à un programme mondial de recherche et d'apprentissage sur la programmation intégrée de la CSC, Breakthrough RESEARCH, le projet phare de l'USAID sur la génération de preuves de la CSC, aide à générer des données pour améliorer cette approche importante.
A version of this blog post originally appeared on FP2030’s website. Knowledge SUCCESS partnered with FP2030, Management Sciences for Health, and PAI on a related policy paper outlining the intersectionality between family planning (FP) and universal health coverage (UHC). The policy paper reflects learnings from a 3-part dialogue series on FP and UHC, hosted by Knowledge SUCCESS, FP2030, MSH and PAI.
Knowledge SUCCESS, FP2030, Population Action International (PAI), and Management Sciences for Health (MSH) have partnered on a three-part collaborative dialogue series on universal health coverage (UHC) and family planning. Our third conversation focused on achieving UHC through people-centered reforms.