Knowledge SUCCESS developed a tool that helps countries to assess the way they develop, implement, and evaluate their family planning Costed Implementation Plans and ensure that knowledge management is integrated throughout the process.
Knowledge SUCCESS conducted an assessment of how knowledge management was integrated into Costed Implementation Plans in five West African countries. The findings revealed multifaceted ways that KM contributes to stronger FP/RH outcomes and more efficient use of limited resources.
Discover the innovative highlights of the 12th Ouagadougou Partnership Annual Meeting (#RAPO2023) in Abidjan. Explore strategies and sessions at OPAM '23.
La Communauté de pratique (CdP) régionale d'Afrique de l'Ouest pour la planification familiale du post-partum (PPFP) intégrée à la santé et à la nutrition de la mère, du nouveau-né et de l'enfant (MNCH-N), en partenariat avec le réseau IBP et Knowledge SUCCESS, a organisé un webinaire sur les meilleures pratiques et les leçons apprises en Afrique de l'Ouest, tout en explorant l'importance des soins intégrés centrés sur la personne et les défis communs en Côte d'Ivoire et au Niger.
Connecting the Dots Between Evidence and Experience combines the latest evidence with implementation experiences to help technical advisors and program managers understand emerging trends in family planning and inform adaptations to their own programs. The inaugural edition focuses on the impact of COVID-19 on family planning in Africa and Asia.